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Windows 10 and USB difficulties


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My Old Laptop W7 crashed after W10 installed. about 10 months ago. I saved my data on an External Hard Drive so when I bought a DELL Inspiron Laptop, I just transferred the data. After I did some file cleanup and other additions I saved my files to another External Hard Dish.

Today I was prepared to Backup my Data but NO WAY. I couldn't find find the external hard drive but doing some persistent searching and trouble shooting I found I couldn't Communicate to the USB 2.0 Devices. (but the Seagate HD is USB 3.0) I must have had some drivers (although I can't remember if I had loaded any last December).

At the present time I'm at a stand still at getting and locating drivers. Also was the driver loss a result the a couple Windows 10 updates this past 30 days.

I'm a metered data customer so I got caught with extra data usage and then after the first update it was like going to a new version Operating Software..

Is there something that Windows 10 does to prevent USB devices from communicating with a USB 3.0 ported laptop?? My HP Printer still operates?



Dell Inspiron Laptop bought new with W10 installed.

Hard Drives; Simple Tech Simple drive & Seagate 3TB


Clay & Marcie Too old to play in the snow

Diesel pusher and previously 2 FW and small Class C

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  • 2 weeks later...


I just saw this. If you haven't solved this here is what I would do in order of least to most intensive.


First, since it is a dell laptop get your service tag number and write it down from the bottom or back of the unit. Go here: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/ and in the block for service tag enter it. IT is best if you download the auto detect as the website will then present you only with drivers it may need. You can enter the service tag and check the dates of all downloads and see if any came out after you bought it. There will be a chipset driver set that should do the trick or the USB drivers.


Second try the external drive with a different USB 2.0 cable. Humor me, it is surprising how many issues are just a cheap bad cable.


Third go to the manufacturer of the external drive website and see if they have any firmware upgrades. With USB 3 I have seen some really bad drivers that came out with new machines especially some HPs early on. The USB 2 devices may need firmware too. Worst case scenario get a new external drive as the WD passport 1 TB drives that need no power supply are really cheap these days. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Western-Digital-My-Passport-Ultra-Slim-1TB-USB-3-0-Portable-External-Hard-Drive-/231949384645?hash=item360142bbc5:g:txMAAOSwH71XPQlE If you get another external drive go to a computer that the old one works with and copy it all over to the new drive before the old one dies if that is what is happening.\


Let us know where you are on the issue.

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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