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Water Softener recommendations


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Looks like we will be spending 4 months or so during the upcoming winter at one of the parks in the RGV. Since previous posts from this and other forums indicate that the water can be on the hard side, what would be some recommendations for a reasonably priced water softener for our mh? Thanks

2010 Newmar Dutch Aire 4304-Spartan Chassis-Cummins ISL 425hp-2013 Chevrolet Equinox AWD Towed-SKP# 120487-FMCA #402879-


We found an On The Go (The double size, can't recall the actual name of the Single vs Double.) on Craigslist. Good price, got new Resin from On The Go, and off and running we be...


So you might keep an eye on Craigslist and see if a similar unit pops up.


Best of luck to you,


Be safe, have fun,


04 CC Allure "RooII" - Our "E" ride for life!


We have a FloPur Mark 8000. It is an 8000 grain unit. If you have room for a FloPur 10000 grain unit it would not have to be recharged as often as an 8000 grain. The Mark 8000 is similar to the On the Go 8000 grain unit but is less expensive and shipping is free ($182). See Mark 8000/10000

Clay(WA5NMR), Lee(Wife), Katie & Kelli (cats)
Full timed for eleven years in our 2004 Winnebago Sightseer 35N Workhorse chassis. Snowbirds for 1 year. Now settled down in western CO.
Honda Accord toad.


Another vote for the 16,000 unit. Takes two one pound boxes of salt to recharge. We can typically go 5 to 6 weeks between charges in South Texas where the water is fairly hard, Best Wishes, Jay

2015 Continental Coach Elegance by Forks RV, 41'; 2015 FL M2 112, DD 13, by 2L Custom Trucks; Trailer Saver air hitch; '48 Navigoddess with a Rand McNally GPS


My thanks to those that responded with your suggestions. We have decided on the RV Pro 10000 by Flopur. It was on sale for $173 with free shipping. :D

2010 Newmar Dutch Aire 4304-Spartan Chassis-Cummins ISL 425hp-2013 Chevrolet Equinox AWD Towed-SKP# 120487-FMCA #402879-


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