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Adding siphon hose to winterize trailer


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Hi Everyone,


I need to add a siphon hose to my trailer so I can winterize the trailer. I would like to use the same style of fittings that are on the trailer to do this job. Can I get these fittings at the big box stores or do I need to go to a rv dealer ? What type or style of shut off valve is needed ? I don't want this job looking like some after thought. I want to look as much as factory as possible.


Thank you for any help,


2012 Volvo VNL 630 w/ I-Shift; D13 engine; " Veeger "
  Redwood, model 3401R ; 5th Wheel Trailer, " Dead Wood "
    2006 Smart Car " Killer Frog "


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I am presuming you want this so you can put the pink stuff in the water lines? You can get a reasonably priced kit like this: http://smile.amazon.com/Valterra-P23506LFVP-Lead-Free-Converter/dp/B00HSNYWTW/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1446563719&sr=8-5&keywords=rv+winterizing+kit


Our fiver was already set up for winterizing from the factory. I did that one year and come warmer weather it seemed it took forever to get all the color, and taste, out of the water lines. A friend suggested a better alternative. Blowing the lines clear with compressed air. After getting the lines just blowing air, I then open the low point drains. No need to flush the lines when you want to use the camper next. I only put the pink stuff in the P-traps and a little in the holding tanks (which I always empty before winter).


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