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Bluetooth Adapter Issue


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Ever since the first Win 10 announcement came out and the little window showed up on the bottom I have had a problem with my network. At first when I opened the window to see if my laptop was compatible. It showed I would have a problem with the Bluetooth adapter being generic. Although I don't remember being generic. It tried to fix and now it shows as a generic Bluetooth adapter and somehow is giving me fits.


1. How can I find out what type/brand of Bluetooth adapter I have?


2. Windows keeps saying I have the current driver from back in 2006?


My networks drops a lot and when I run trouble shooting it always shows that Generic Bluetooth Adapter as the problem. I never had a problem until the Win 10 upgrade compatibility issue came up. I have disabled it but that does not seem to have solved the problem.


Thoughts please



USA Master Sergeant Ret.

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