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Buying a TOAD when out of State

Ron & Linda R

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Looking for understanding how I can buy ourselves a tow vehicle when we are not in TX? I heard something about self certifying the vehicle? How soon after buying a car will we be required to return to Texas to complete the normal inspection registration process?


I suggest that you call the Livingston office and talk with them as they will be very helpful and give you correct information. They are always happy to assist a member of Escapees!



For Tax Billing Information and Auto Registration:
Tax Assessor's Office
416 N. Washington
Livingston, TX. 77351

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure




I bought my truck out of state, in New Mexico, and informed the dealer, that as a resident of Texas, I wanted it titled and registered in Texas.


They collected Texas sales tax and contacted a company who takes care of out of state registrations. Everything was taken care of without a hitch.

Larry & Joan Whitworth
Daisy - The Japanese Chin
Alex - The Tibetan Spaniel
2010 Crossroads Kingston KF36CK
2008 F-250 6.4L
Edge Evolution Programmer
Full Time Since 2007

USMC 1963-1969

Vietnam 1965-1966


I bought a new Jeep this summer while I was in Colordo. Called the county clerk in Livingston and they told me how much the tax would be, paid it, they sent tags in mail (paper tags expired while I was waiting and I carried all papers in car just in case I got stopped.) When I got back to Texas, I had car inspected. Easy.


Well thank you all great information. I will get in touch with the Livingston Motor Vehicle office. We are in Colorado till the spring when we have plans to visit with family in California B4 returning to Texas so do need to find out how long I can go B4 actually having to be back in Texas to get it properly registered and inspected. The MH registration expires in Nov 2015.


We do have a family car here in Colorado but do need and want to get our own obviously.


It sounds like you won't have a problem with registration as it expires Nov 2015. You don't have to have any inspection until you're actually in Texas and you have a short grace period of three days, I believe.

Full-timed for 16 Years
Traveled 8 yr in a 2004 Newmar Dutch Star 40' Motorhome
and 8 yr in a 33' Travel Supreme 5th Wheel


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