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At CES, privacy is a growing business


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Now this is a topic I wanted much more of than the article had, but it is a start!




"Whenever I say the word "privacy" to many of the presenters at International CES, there's a little sigh before they answer. The thing to get excited about at this year's show, after all, is the connection of everything to the internet, so you can track how much energy your lightbulbs use or how you hold your toothbrush.


Keeping information to yourself? You can almost see the thought bubble above their heads: "Luddite."


But if you, like me, are sick of being told your reluctance to share everything sets you against the flow of progress, there is a place for you at the massive tech show -- first floor, South Hall, just past the Alibaba booth. These, my friends, are our people.


This is the first year that privacy-focused products have had their own part of the floor, which itself may be taken as evidence that privacy, particularly on mobile devices, is something that everyone should be thinking about. It’s a small space. There are only nine exhibitors here, a tiny fraction of the roughly 3,600 out on the show floor hawking their products. There are no flashy demos here, or booth babes in skimpy clothing. It's not a place that will draw crowds. Safety wallets and virtual private networks are just not as fun to watch as a 3D candy printer. But it is is pulling in a steady stream of people, young and old, who want to know how reconcile their love of gadgetry with the desire to keep some things to themselves."


She goes on to tell us in the rest of the article some of the inexpensive solutions to possible intrusions. The rest of the article that mentions some of the product highlights she found are here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/01/08/at-ces-privacy-is-a-growing-business/

http://www.rvroadie.com Email on the bottom of my website page.
Retired AF 1971-1998

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“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ... Voltaire

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