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First pull with 2015 VNL 730


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Well, got a chance to hook up the new truck with RV this past weekend. Just wanted to thank Gregg at RV Haulers for getting me on the road after a long day of work we had to do. Anyway, truck is very quiet and smooth...Bose seats are incredible. Had a great time with friends and family and took truck back to Gregg today so he can continue with the rear deck build. One of my boys and I took our 100 ft tape measure from front of bumper to end of RV and came out right on 72 ft. Here are a few pictures.











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MDT??? You better start running now!

First rule of computer consulting:

Sell a customer a Linux computer and you'll eat for a day.

Sell a customer a Windows computer and you'll eat for a lifetime.


Great looking rig!

Rick and Alana


2018 Newmar Ventana 4037

2020 Jeep Gladiator 

1997 Jeep TJ

2009 Mobile Suites 36RSSB3


formerly owned 2000 Volvo 770, 600 Cummins ISX,18 speed autoshift, 14 foot "garage"

ET,Jackalopee,MaxBrake,Pressure Pro pro



WOW! That's a beautiful rig!



2001 Volvo 770, Detroit 60 Series, Gen 2 Autoshift

Passenger assist elevator to enter cab - for when we need it, or sell it?

'05 Travel Supreme Select 40 RLQSO 5th wheel

2016 smart car


We started full timing on December 1st 2014

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness - Mark Twain
Not all that wander are lost - J. R. R. Tolkien


It looked like an MDT on my phone. Is it a lower cab height, or does it just look lower because it's so long? I am still not familiar with the different sizes. Google to the rescue-730 is a mid-height sleeper. I'm learning!

I saw your old MDT. Did you have a larger engine in it?


BigBaron, the 730 does have a lower cab height compared to a 780, so the ratio of height to length may make it look longer. But mostly I think it looks longer because it is so coooooool!



2001 Volvo 770, Detroit 60 Series, Gen 2 Autoshift

Passenger assist elevator to enter cab - for when we need it, or sell it?

'05 Travel Supreme Select 40 RLQSO 5th wheel

2016 smart car


We started full timing on December 1st 2014

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness - Mark Twain
Not all that wander are lost - J. R. R. Tolkien


Looooking gooood!



2001 Freightliner Century, 500hp Series 60, Gen 2 autoshift, 3.42 singled rear locker.

2004 Keystone Sprinter 299RLS (TT)

2 & 4 Wheelers!

2013 Polaris Ranger 800 midsize LE

Our motto "4 wheels move the body, 2 wheels move the soul!"


Thanks for all the nice comments. Will continue to work with Gregg to get the deck done ASAP so I can get in a few trips this season. I'll post a picture of the SC that will go on the back hydraulic loader.


BB, The last MDT I had did have quite a bit smaller engine. It was a Cummins 8.3L (330/1000) which I tuned up to 400/1250. The Volvo 730 has a 13L (500/1850 engine).




Nice looking rig!! Are you going to bring it to the HDT Rally for us all to see up close and personal??


Steve & Gail

2000 Volvo VNL660 Autoshift Detroit 60 12.7 "Semi Crazy"

2016 smart "Lil Crazy"

2018 Space Craft 48' TT "The Nut House"



Volvo w SpaceCraft 1024.jpg


That is an outstanding rig, very slick looking!

Dennis & Nancy
Tucson, AZ in winter, on the road in summer.

1999 Volvo 610 "Bud" 425 HP Volvo, Super 10 spd.
2005 Mountain Aire 35 BLKS
2013 smart fortwo CityFlame riding on Bud
(Replaced '05 smart first loaded in '06

and '11 smart that gave it's life to save me!)
Our Travel Blog


Great looking truck rick. Can't wait to see it. Are you coming to hutch ??

2009 Volvo 780. D-16 500hp 1850 torque with a Herrin hauler bed.

2015 Continental Coach

2008 650cc Suzuki Bergman

2013 Mustang GT 500 convertible

2014 Smartcar convertible

WWW.Hollyfab.com. (Metal Fabrication Company)

Jamesc@hollyfab.com (preferred contact method)


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