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Everything posted by schirtzy

  1. so what does everyone think do you think it will work
  2. I would put the thermostat in the same spot the heat it in so just running the wire for the ac unit would have t be done and I am thinking to run it beside the power line would be the easiest way to do that .... it just would be nice to have the fan to cut on and off would be nice and I have had it on the lowest setting and would like it colder in their sometimes or a better-regulated temperature I just want to make sure it works with a unit as I have one that the controls built in .
  3. i have a camper with the ac unit that has the controls on the inside cover dometic and I was looking at a place that sells some like this http://www.dyersonline.com/dometic-single-zone-control-kit-with-lcd-thermostat.html?utm_medium=shoppingengine&utm_source=googlebase&gclid=CjwKCAjwqfDlBRBDEiwAigXUaFH4KsWxEi_-XnWaGiIQ9mmGaUjwGiOeAkhG30BVoHSUiOPIym_QABoCqisQAvD_BwE Does anyone have any experiences with doing anything like that ?
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