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Very Low Carb Diets for Diabetes: Research Trial Results

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Very Low-Carb Diets for Diabetes: Results of a Research Trial

(Want to keep your heart & brain healthy as you age? See my other helpful, research-based posts in the Healthy Diabetes Living group forum (http://www.rvillage.com/group/878/diabetes-healthy-living) & the Healthy RVers (http://www.rvillage.com/group/80/healthy-rvers group forum at www.RVillage.com)


©2015, David Leonard, M.Ag., Nutrition Educator (retired), University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension


What You Can Learn From This Post

1. A quick review of why moderate-carb diets usually beat very low-carb diets (VLCD’s).

2. Results of a recent 12-month diabetes trial comparing an unusually healthy VLCD with a high-carb diet (HCD). I read the full journal article carefully and summarized the study & its conclusions (no distortions)

3. How to make the trial’s VLCD healthier if you want to try it


Below is a quick recap on the downsides of most VLCD’s (RVillage members can see the full post at http://www.rvillage.com/groups/topic/view/group_id/878/topic_id/4316?query=P3RpdGxlPSZwYWdlPQ==):

  • Too high in health-risky saturated fat, especially from red meat (see my 1/14/15 post at http://www.rvillage.com/groups/topic/view/group_id/80/topic_id/3515?query=P3RpdGxlPSZwYWdlPTM= )
  • Increased colon cancer risk
  • Promotion of unhealthy inflammation which is linked to many diseases
  • Too low in healthy carb sources like whole grains, whole fruit, veggies, and beans that are vital for overall wellness, especially protection against heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cancer, and dementia.

But a well-designed VLCD can be reasonably healthy like the one used in a recent 12-month Australian trial with 110 obese adults (average wt. 224 lbs.) with type 2 diabetes and aged 35-68 (Journal reference: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2015;102:780-90 at http://ajcn.nutrition.org.libproxy.unh.edu/content/102/4/780.abstract ). They were randomly assigned to 2 groups:

  • A VLCD diet (about 54-75 g carbs daily or about 14-17% calories from carbs. 1 g carbs = 4 cals.
  • A “high-carb” diet (HCD) with about 202-218 g carbs daily or 50-52% cals. from carbs. The typical American diet averages 50%.

Both diets aimed to reduce weight, so the calorie content was individually tailored to create a 30% deficit. So, if someone needed 2000 calories a day to maintain their current weight, they were prescribed 1400 calories.

Both diets averaged 1430 cals. but varied from 1357-2143, depending on the person’s initial weight.

Note that both groups did three 60-minute exercise sessions weekly (moderate intensity aerobics + strength training).


The Trial’s Detailed Results (after one year)

1. Average weight loss for both groups was statistically equal (21.6 lbs. for the VLCD, 22.4 lbs. for the HCD). The same for reductions in body fat & waist circumference.


2. Average A1c fell by 1.0% in both groups.


3. 24-hour blood sugar stability improved in both groups, but the VLCD group did significantly better on 2 out of 4 types of tests used to measure blood sugar variability. This means they were likely to spend less time in the high blood sugar range (above 140 mg/dl). However, experts disagree on the validity & significance of these 2 tests called CONGA-1, CONGA-4.


4. Diabetes medication reduction: Despite the similar 1% A1c reduction in both groups, 52% of VLCD members were able to reduce their oral diabetes meds by 20% of more vs. 21% in the high-carb group.


5. Cholesterol & blood pressure med reduction: More VLCD than HCD participants were able to reduce these meds, but the difference wasn’t statistically significant.


6. Both groups equally improved their total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, CRP (a measure of inflammation), and insulin sensitivity (how well your body’s own or injected insulin works). But the VLCD group had greater improvements in triglycerides (a 35 point drop vs. 1 pt. drop) and good HDL cholesterol (4 point rise vs. a 2.4 point rise).


Overall Trial Summary

1. Both diet groups improved their scores on some 24 different health measurements compared to baseline.


2. There was no statistical difference between groups in weight loss, A1c reduction, and improvements in total cholesterol, LDL, blood pressure, and inflammation.


3. But the VLCD was better in improving HDL and triglycerides and also provided better blood sugar stability based on 2 out of 4 types of tests.


4. Over twice as many VLCD participants were able to reduce their diabetes meds than in the HCD group.


And the Winner Is?

So, is this unusually healthy VLCD is the way to go? Not necessarily.


Consider This

1. The trial didn’t include a moderate-carb diet (about 40% cals. from carbs) which is recommended by Joslin Diabetes Center (Boston) and also backed by impressive research, especially if it’s Mediterranean-style (see my 2/6/15 post at http://www.rvillage.com/groups/topic/view/group_id/80/topic_id/3684?query=P3RpdGxlPSZwYWdlPTI= ). It might well have equaled the VLCD’s superior blood sugar stability while also providing a greater range of overall health benefits like cancer and dementia protection by including more healthy carb sources. For a description of a Mediterranean diet, go to http://oldwayspt.org/resources/heritage-pyramids/mediterranean-diet-pyramid.

NOTE: A diet with 40% cals. from carbs would equal 640 carb calories (160 g of carbs) in a 1600-cal. diet or 720 carb cals. (180 g of carbs) in an 1800-cal. diet).


2. If you want to try this healthy VLCD, consider adding some “tweaks” (see below) that will make it even healthier. The same with the HCD.

CAUTION! Always check with your physician or registered dietitian before making dietary changes.


3. Participants were actively losing weight & exercising during the trial which tends to optimize a diet’s benefits, help overcome any downsides, and also aid weight loss. In fact, adding an extra 2 days a week of aerobics (5 days total) would likely help the HCD group lower triglycerides more and also enable more of them to reduce their diabetes meds.


Details On the Trial’s VLCD

1. Fat: It was unusually low in health-risky saturated fat, averaging about 17-21 g daily, but not as low as the HCD (13-17 g). Both diets emphasized healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat.


In both groups, sat. fat crept up over the months with the VLCD group exceeding recommended daily limits halfway through the trial. Solution: Eat more broiled/baked fish and skinless chicken and less pork & beef (Australians love their meat!).


2. Fiber: The VLCD had an unusually high & healthy 25 g from actual foods rather than supplements. The high-carb diet averaged 31 g. The typical American adult has about 17 g.


3. Grains:

One ounce (about 80 calories) extra-high-fiber, low glycemic index cereal (type not specified but likely similar to ½ cup Kellogg’s All Bran Original (10 g fiber) or 1/3 cup All Bran Buds (13 g fiber). You could use oatmeal occasionally but its lower in fiber even though it’s whole grain. The HCD used about 1.3 oz. of high-fiber cereal (2/3 cup All Bran Original or just under 1 cup All Bran Buds).

One high-fiber whole-grain crispbread like Wasa brand (2 g fiber, 60 cals.). The HCD used 5 crispbreads + 2 slices of whole wheat bread.


4. Major proteins sources: 9 oz. of lean chicken, red meat (pork & beef), and fish 3-4 times a week. Suggestion: Keep red meat to 3-4 oz. (about a deck of cards) 2-3 times weekly. Higher amounts are linked to higher mortality plus breast and colon cancer. Focus on skinless chicken and baked/broiled fatty fish like salmon, arctic char, sardines, pollock, rainbow trout which are rich in healthy omega-3 fat (see my 3/1/15 post at http://www.rvillage.com/groups/topic/view/group_id/80/topic_id/3847?query=P3RpdGxlPSZwYWdlPTI= ). The HCD used 3 oz. of red meat 4 times a week + 3 oz. of fish twice a week + 3 oz. of beans once a week. Consider replacing some meat with soy foods like tofu and textured vegetable protein (virtually no carbs) or with egg whites.


5. Nuts: About 1.5 oz. almonds (36 or just over ¼ cup) and ¾ oz. pecans (13 halves or just under ¼ cup). Could substitute walnuts (14 halves = 1 oz.), pistachios (49 kernels per oz.), or peanuts (just under ¼ cup per oz.). Cashews have fewer documented health benefits. (See my 4/7/15 post at http://www.rvillage.com/groups/topic/view/group_id/878/topic_id

/3973?query=P3RpdGxlPSZwYWdlPTI= ). The HCD had no nuts but would have benefited from them.


6. Veggies: 3 cups low-starch veggies daily (omit potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, but carrots, peas are OK). The HCD had the same amount but didn’t exclude starchy veggies. Focus on those with the best research-proven benefits: broccoli, dark green leafy veggies (like kale, pack choy, turnip greens), beets, garlic, carrots, winter squash. Note that it takes 3-4 cups of raw, leafy veggies to equal a cup of non-leafy veggies or cooked leafy veggies, so 3 cups of fluffy salad is a far cry from 3 cups of regular veggies.


7. No fruit, but it’s an important part of a healthy diet. No reason you can’t add modest amounts of lower glycemic index fruits like cherries, strawberries, blueberries, prunes, and plums. (See my 1/10/15 post at http://www.rvillage.com/groups/topic/view/group_id/80/topic_id/3484?query=P3RpdGxlPSZwYWdlPTM= ). The HCD had 14 oz. fruit daily (equal to 1 med. banana + 1 med. apple + ¾ cup blueberries)


8. Dairy

Skim milk: Just under a cup. The HCD used 1 cup 1-2% milk.

Diet yogurt: just under ½ cup. The HCD used about 2/3 cup non-diet reduced fat yogurt (no mention of whether plain or added sugar; plain with your own fruit is best).

¾ oz. regular cheese. Same with the HCD.


9. Fats & oils: 6 teaspoons vegetable oil high in monounsaturated fat like canola or olive oil or use a trans-fat-free spread. The HC diet used 5 teaspoons. Extra virgin olive oil has the most all-around health benefits which kick in at around 5 to 6 teaspoons. California Olive Ranch brand got good reviews by Consumer Reports and is available at Walmart. See my 5/17/15 EVO post at http://www.rvillage.com/groups/topic/view/group_id/80/topic_id/4450?query=P3RpdGxlPSZwYWdlPQ==



  • The info presented in this post should not replace professional medical or dietary advice, diagnosis or treatment.
  • Always consult your registered dietitian or physician before making any significant dietary changes.
  • Don't ignore professional medical advice due to the info presented here

David Leonard, M.Ag.

Educational Program Coordinator (retired)

Nutrition Connections Program

University of NH Cooperative Extension

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Eating too many carbs makes you fat. If you do not eat carbs, you can not gain weight.

But that's not what this 12-month trial found, Paul and Ann. Weight loss was the same for both the high and low-carb groups (about 22 lbs. each) which is what most research shows. Weight loss tends to be initially quicker on low carb, usually no differences after a year or two.

Also, carb quality makes a big difference. High-quality carbs (whole grains, beans, whole fruits, low-starch veggies) as used in this trial aren't weight-promoting. It's the low-quality carbs like refined grains and added sugar foods that put on the pounds as does eating too much less-healthy fat, especially saturated and trans.

Thanks for responding!


David Leonard, M.Ag.

Educational Program Coordinator (retired)

Nutrition Connections Program

University of NH Cooperative Extension

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But that's not what this 12-month trial found, Paul and Ann. Weight loss was the same for both the high and low-carb groups (about 22 lbs. each) which is what most research shows. Weight loss tends to be initially quicker on low carb, usually no differences after a year or two.

Also, carb quality makes a big difference. High-quality carbs (whole grains, beans, whole fruits, low-starch veggies) as used in this trial aren't weight-promoting. It's the low-quality carbs like refined grains and added sugar foods that put on the pounds as does eating too much less-healthy fat, especially saturated and trans.

Thanks for responding!



If you dont eat carbs, you cant gain weight. Eating fat does not make you fat. Those are indisputable physiological facts.

2005 Winnebago Voyage 38J


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Please check out the other helpful posts and join the group.

Since that subject holds little interest for me, what do they have that would justify my joining? I don't usually visit sites such as that one where you can't view anything unless you join.

Good travelin !...............Kirk

Full-time 11+ years...... Now seasonal travelers.
Kirk & Pam's Great RV Adventure



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If you dont eat carbs, you cant gain weight. Eating fat does not make you fat. Those are indisputable physiological facts.


Eating more calories from any source (carbs, protein, fat) than your body burns results in weight gain. Likewise, eating fewer cals. than your body burns results in weight loss. It's true that "eating fat does not make you fat" unless your diet contains more calories than you are burning.

You might have noticed that I make a point to always cite my sources (peer-reviewed medical and nutrition journals). That's what I was taught to do during my 15 years as a nutritionist with Univ. if New Hampshire. Please cite a reputable source that supports your claim that "if you don't eat carbs, you can't gain weight". If weight control was that easy, we wouldn't be having the current epidemic of obesity.



David Leonard, M.Ag.

Educational Program Coordinator (retired)

Nutrition Connections Program

University of NH Cooperative Extension

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David1941, interesting topic. I agree citing sources is a good idea.


The wrinkle here is (as Kirk pointed out) yours are in someways out of reach -- not everyone (myself included) want to just hand out my name, email, or other similar information unless I have a compelling need.


It would be nice if the sources were also directly (just clicking, not answering questions) available from one of the web research-papers clearing houses.

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Since that subject holds little interest for me, what do they have that would justify my joining? I don't usually visit sites such as that one where you can't view anything unless you join.


Thanks so much for your reply. I had no idea that folks would have to join RVillage in order to read my post. In fact, I accessed the Escapees forum directly through RVillage w/o having to sign in and assumed the reverse would work.

So I just put the entire post directly on the Escapees forum. The reason I don't liek doing this is that if I need to make edits, it takes twice as much work having to visit 2 sites.

Thanks again!


David Leonard, M.Ag.

Educational Program Coordinator (retired)

Nutrition Connections Program

University of NH Cooperative Extension

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David1941, interesting topic. I agree citing sources is a good idea.


The wrinkle here is (as Kirk pointed out) yours are in someways out of reach -- not everyone (myself included) want to just hand out my name, email, or other similar information unless I have a compelling need.


It would be nice if the sources were also directly (just clicking, not answering questions) available from one of the web research-papers clearing houses.

Thanks for your post! I had no idea that the link couldn't be directly accessed w/o joining RVillage. In fact, I accessed this Escapees forum directly through RVillage w/o having to sign in and assumed the reverse would work as well.

Anyhow, I've now reposted the entire content on Escapees so you easily read it.



David Leonard, M.Ag.

Educational Program Coordinator (retired)

Nutrition Connections Program

University of NH Cooperative Extension

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Eating more calories from any source (carbs, protein, fat) than your body burns results in weight gain. Likewise, eating fewer cals. than your body burns results in weight loss. It's true that "eating fat does not make you fat" unless your diet contains more calories than you are burning.

You might have noticed that I make a point to always cite my sources (peer-reviewed medical and nutrition journals). That's what I was taught to do during my 15 years as a nutritionist with Univ. if New Hampshire. Please cite a reputable source that supports your claim that "if you don't eat carbs, you can't gain weight". If weight control was that easy, we wouldn't be having the current epidemic of obesity.




We have the current obesity problem precisely because of studies like this that tell people eating carbs is good. You can eat all the calories you want, but if you dont eat carbs, you cant gain weight. What are the symptoms of type one diabetes? Weight loss, and thirst. Why the weight loss? Because when your body does not produce insulin, you can not gain weight.

2005 Winnebago Voyage 38J


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We have the current obesity problem precisely because of studies like this that tell people eating carbs is good. You can eat all the calories you want, but if you dont eat carbs, you cant gain weight. What are the symptoms of type one diabetes? Weight loss, and thirst. Why the weight loss? Because when your body does not produce insulin, you can not gain weight.


I've just directly posted my full article (no need to click on a link) about the very-low-carb vs. high-carb diet trial Please read it and note that after a year the high carb group averaged about the same amount of weight loss (22.4 lbs.) as the very low carb group (21.4 lbs.). That seems to go against your theory. How do you explain that?


A calorie is basically a calorie re weight gain or weight loss whether it comes from carbs, protein, or fat. But there are some small differences:

  • Overdoing saturated fat will cause more weight gain than monounsaturated fat since it doesn't burn as well. [Brit. J. Nutr 2003(90):717-27]
  • High protein diets are somewhat more hunger quelling .(J. of Nutr. 2009;139:514-21)
  • So are high quality/high fiber carbs from non-starchy veggies, whole fruits (not 100% juices), whole grains, and beans. (NEJM, 2011;364(June 23):2392-404)

Thank you for your interest in this discussion.


David Leonard, M.Ag.

Educational Program Coordinator (retired)

Nutrition Connections Program

University of NH Cooperative Extension

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I've just directly posted my full article (no need to click on a link) about the very-low-carb vs. high-carb diet trial Please read it and note that after a year the high carb group averaged about the same amount of weight loss (22.4 lbs.) as the very low carb group (21.4 lbs.). That seems to go against your theory. How do you explain that?


A calorie is basically a calorie re weight gain or weight loss whether it comes from carbs, protein, or fat. But there are some small differences:

  • Overdoing saturated fat will cause more weight gain than monounsaturated fat since it doesn't burn as well. [Brit. J. Nutr 2003(90):717-27]
  • High protein diets are somewhat more hunger quelling .(J. of Nutr. 2009;139:514-21)
  • So are high quality/high fiber carbs from non-starchy veggies, whole fruits (not 100% juices), whole grains, and beans. (NEJM, 2011;364(June 23):2392-404)

Thank you for your interest in this discussion.



I put very little stock in most studies. Tell me what you want to "prove", and I will make a study to show you want you want. If you believe that you can gain weight while not eating carbs, there isnt much we can talk about.

2005 Winnebago Voyage 38J


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I put very little stock in most studies. Tell me what you want to "prove", and I will make a study to show you want you want. If you believe that you can gain weight while not eating carbs, there isnt much we can talk about.

Well Paul, it sounds like your mind is made up. I feel we're back in the 15th century and I'm telling you I have proof that the earth is round but you keep insisting it's flat yet can't offer any scientific evidence to support your view. Let's agree to disagree,

Best wishes and safe travels,


David Leonard, M.Ag.

Educational Program Coordinator (retired)

Nutrition Connections Program

University of NH Cooperative Extension

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Well Paul, it sounds like your mind is made up. I feel we're back in the 15th century and I'm telling you I have proof that the earth is round but you keep insisting it's flat yet can't offer any scientific evidence to support your view. Let's agree to disagree,

Best wishes and safe travels,



I could go find the scientific evidence to support my position, but I dont believe it would matter. My last statement on the topic is this: How many years has your belief been the norm in the country, and has the obesity problem gotten worse or better?


Thanks for bringing this topic up.


Best wishes


2005 Winnebago Voyage 38J


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Where did the idea that you can't gain weight from fats unless you eat carbs comes from? If you don't eat carbs, your body will make them from the fats & proteins because the brain MUST HAVE GLUCOSE. Like I said, people need to have some basic biochemistry courses before trying to make sense of studies that are published.


As with all things, moderation is the key.

Barb & Dave O'Keeffe
2002 Alpine 36 MDDS (Figment II), 2018 Ford C-Max HYBRID
Blog: http://www.barbanddave.net
SPK# 90761 FMCA #F337834

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And your all wrong..........go to the gym and workout 24/7 I guarantee you wont gain weight! Geesh, this is beyond making any sense at all. And I am not talking about anyone in particular.



Dave & Linda

2011 Bighorn 3670

2000 Ford 7.3 PS diesel white and tan in color Now Fulltiming since May15, 2010


Semper Fi Marines!!

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Oh my, I'm sorry to see my original post summarizing a study on very-low-carb vs. high-carb diets get bogged down in arguments about whether carbs or fats make you fat. And, as Dave points out, exercise certainly helps prevent weight gain and can aid weight loss.


The study found that a very-low-carb diet (this one was unusually healthy) might provide better blood sugar stability and be more effective at lowering triglycerides and raising good HDL than a high-carb diet. It was conducted by researchers well versed in biochemistry and nutrition. I simply summarized their conclusions (no distortions) and don't need a biochem degree to do that (my Masters in Ag Sciences will do). ,


It’s interesting that both the very-low-carb and high-carb groups lost the same amount of weight (about 22 lbs.) which supports the view of most researchers that a calorie is basically a calorie when it comes to weight loss or gain whether it comes from carbs or fat.


So please read the study results and decide whether they might be useful to your situation. That was my purpose, rather than starting an argument.


Best wishes to all,


David Leonard, M.Ag.

Educational Program Coordinator (retired)

Nutrition Connections Program

University of NH Cooperative Extension

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